How to Avoid A Tarp-Fail with Over-Dimensional Loads


How to Avoid A Tarp-Fail with Over-Dimensional Loads Is this your shipment?!  We hope you haven’t but we also hear about this happening frequently. The last thing you want is your product arriving at the consignee in a different condition than it left your facility.  Why does this happen? Setting proper tarping expectations is an […]

Contingent Cargo Policy vs. Primary Cargo Policy

Cargo Insurance

Contingent Cargo Policy vs. Primary Cargo Policy Often, the details of the broker’s cargo insurance are overlooked. It’s essential to understand how your broker’s insurance works and who ultimately benefits. In this article, we’ll break down contingent cargo insurance and primary cargo insurance, including what each cover.   Contingent Cargo Policy Typically, brokers use contingent […]

Freight Insurance: Is Your Freight Insured?

Is Your Freight Insured?

Freight Insurance: Is Your Freight Insured? Do you assume your broker fully protects your shipment? You’re not alone. Many shippers think logistics companies fully insure their shipments. However, this is not always the case. This article will walk you through cargo insurance (and a quick way to double-check if you are adequately insured). It is […]